Korrnews Installation Guide

While Korrnews from Version 4.1 also runs in English, the documentation sofar is only in German. ( An English documentation can be found here (for Version 3.x) or here (unfinished version of 4.1)
DO NOT BE SCARED by the reference to scripting at that site. The Assistant together with the new version of Hamster removes the need for that (see installation sequence below) There also is a link to an English HeaderDef.doc file which contains a lot of information.

It is not difficult to install.

Unzip the files to the same folder as Hamster

Open Korrnews

Click on "Konfiguration News"

Click on Header I, select everything

Click on Body I,

Enter "--" (or whatever you wish to use as as -seperator)

pseudo-sig entry
Click on Body II, select everything (Corrects a few other OE problems)

Click on Body III, select everything (Corrects a few other OE problems)

Click on "Allgemeines"

Click on "Assistent"

call assistant
Click on "im Hamster automatisch aufrufen"

Click on "Spezifische Optionen f�r Outlook Express aktivieren"

Click on "Schliessen" = Close

Now when you use Hamster as your Newsserver it will send any posting (& mail) to Korrnews which will make all the adjustments. Check the Hamster-documentation and elfden's pages for how to set up Hamster & all the additional features.

to my main Hamster Page
Any errors, comments, bugs, spellingmistakes to Markus G. Kl�tzer: